Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Penguin Night Light

I have a housemate who always reminds me to switch off the main light in my room room before I go to bed. I am a person who cannot sleep in the dark room alone. So staying in a single room now, I need to sleep with at least a tiny night light. Sometimes, I fall asleep with the main lights still switched on, too. There is a penguin night light I've been using for a long time. There was once he saw it, and laughed at me. He thinks it is adorable. He asked if he could keep it. I want him to keep it. He is moving out soon, back to his home country, Saudi Arabia. I will miss the nights he knocked on my door just to wake me up and nag at me, then asked me to switch off my room light whenever I fall asleep with the lights on. I will miss him dearly.

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